We equip missionaries to fulfill the Great Commission. Fulfilling the Great Commission of Christ is an ever-increasing priority of Spread The Word Ministries. Our current missionary support strategy gives priority to under-evangelized areas, church planting and leadership development.

We are committed to prepare and assist people from Spread The Word in reaching others and, as the Lord leads, to send them out to villages and rural communities. Provides the missionary in the field with a support group that is concerned about what they are doing. This prayer support and interest is often the critical factor in helping the missionary over the rough spots in his/her service.

Please pray and support one missionary a month, we have Missionaries and Local Pastors who need support, If you would like to contribute financially to the ministry of Spread The Word or to any of our missionaries, you may do so through the following means:

How to Support a Missionary

Request for a list of missionaries and choose and make note of the name of the missionary(ies) that you would like to support, including their field of service. What a wondrous opportunity! When you give to missions at Spread The Word Ministries Inc, you are having a part in spreading the truth of God’s word to different places around the globe. We pray you will have a part in this wonderful chance to serve by giving, Direct any further questions you may have about missionary support.

Choose a Missionary to Sponsor.

belloo Bro. Bello Mavis – Local Pastor
Egba Community – Spread The Word
Sponsorship Total: $50.00/month


obinnaujuBro. Obinna Okike – Local Pastor
Okpagha Community – Spread The Word
Sponsorship Total: $50.00/month



We seek to equip native pastors to reach the poor and needy with the gospel.  These men are working to reach their own people for Christ. They are Bible trained and use that training to teach, lead, and plant churches. Pastor sponsorships are an effective way to build the church.

Many are turning to Christ in difficult mission fields where the native pastor has tremendous advantages. Native pastors already know the language and culture of the people. They are also able to be live on as little as $50 a month which includes housing, food, clothing, and basic necessities.

Four time a year you will receive a personal update about your pastor and his church.  We also invite you to meet your pastor in person through a mission trip.

Email: info@spreadthewordministries.org


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