January 30th, 2019.
Greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. We are reaching the lost, training leaders, disciple believers, and distribute God’s word freely.
We had the opportunity to preach and teach the Good News of Christ Jesus, shared Tracts and Booklet and amazingly, 231 people got saved. And we distributed Bibles to those who have no Bible. We are so grateful for each opportunity that we have been given in the ministry. And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry; 1 Timothy 1:12.
672 Bibles distributed to new converts and Believers without Bibles.
421,000 Tracts Distributed this January 2019.
114,000 Booklets and Sunday school Materials Distributed
231 people got saved.
One of the great blessings is that, Spread The Word office is a distribution center of gospel materials in Nigeria. Our office is open 8am to 5pm daily; people are coming to collect Tracts for evangelism and literature for their Churches every day. All these are given always freely.
Happy New Year 2019.
On the first day of January 2019, Pastor Godstime preached on John 3: 1 – 18. The Grace of God was manifested greatly and 26 precious souls professing Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour for this we give God the glory
31 December 2018 Report.
We had the opportunity to preach and teach the Good News of Christ Jesus, shared Bibles, Tracts and booklet and amazingly, 3,182 people got saved. We are so grateful for each opportunity that we have been given in the ministry. And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry; 1 Timothy 1:12
We received a 40ft container load of Bibles, Tracts, Books and Literature in July 2018. The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it. Psalm 68:11. Through our Bible College Pastors and Missionaries, we are able to reach many regions in Nigeria in spreading the Gospel.
BIBLES: In 2018 we distributed 15,421 Bibles freely to converts and believers who long for their first copy and those who cannot afford a Bible. Many are very poor and cannot afford a Bible. Several churches and individuals also sent Christian Materials through post office for free distribution. We are humbled by the efforts of those who have helped us for this great effort to assist many Nigerian churches with needed resources.
BOOKS AND LITERATURE: We were able to distribute 10,752 Books to local Pastors for their personal studies in Churches, 45,273 Literature for their Sunday School and Bible Study materials.
GOSPEL TRACTS: We distributed over 6.5 Million Gospel Tracts through Churches, Missionaries and Evangelist in Nigeria. We are ready and committed to the great commission Matthew 28: 18-20.
DVDs, CDs AND TAPES: We distributed over 10,000 sermons, Music CDs and DVD free of Charge.
CHURCH: We now have five local Churches in Nigeria. * 12 Babies were dedicated in 2018 in our Church. *27 people were Baptized by Immersion* 127 Members joined the Church* Bro. Osagie healing and medical care support and lot more.
CHILDREN MINISTRY: We are dedicated in caring for the less privilege; we thank God for provision of items and Bible Teaching for the kids.
DISCIPLESHIP: We are going through a study on discipleship. Our goal is to encourage and enable each believer to be willing and capable to help younger believers.
In Acts 20:24 But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.
CHURCH PLANTING: We started a new Church planting at Upper Sakponba, Benin City, January 2019
1) Pray for our Soul Winning program.
2) Pray for the provision of more Bibles, Books, Tracts for the needy.
3) Pray for the building of new Church Planting at Avbiama Village
4) Pray for our Pastors, Missionaries and Church Workers.
5) Pray that God would guide and protect us as we share Scripture with those who need it most in villages.
6) Pray for the provision of theological Books and Study Bibles for native Pastors to help them in their studies and various churches.
Many thanks and appreciation for your prayer and support!
For more details or support, feel free to contact us. Email: info@spreadthewordministries.org