Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thank you for visiting us! I welcome you to Spread The Word Ministries. A ministry that endeavors to make the Word of God to everyone in Africa.
The great commission Matthew 28:18 tells us Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, our mission is to spread the gospel through distribution of Bibles, Books, Literature and Tracts and save lives for Jesus. No one is beyond God’s reach. We also invite you to partner with us. There is power in partnership. Your partnership with this ministry helps us to fulfill God’s commission.
When you partner with Spread The Word, you are supporting life – eternal life, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
THOUSANDS give their lives to Jesus. Your partnership makes it possible for Spread The Word to distribute Christian materials freely to people”. Partnership Changes Everything
As at December 2016, we were able to reached over 12 millions people in Nigeria with Gospel materials freely. We have missionaries, college student and Pastors helping to Spread The Word.
Without the faithful prayers and support of Partners , none of this would be possible. So join us today, won’t you? stand in faith with Dr. Godstime Evbota as he boldly declares the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Africa, and receive the blessings of Partnership today.
How does your partnership benefit the Ministry?
Spread The Word Ministries is committed to spreading the gospel to the needy, and as a partner with Spread The Word, you can help us reach millions of souls. Your donations will be used to support the ongoing Bible Project, Bibles, Books, Literature, Tracts distribution.
Yes, I am interested in becoming partner of Spread The Word
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